The People Who Make it Happen

  • Brandon Baez


    Drawing from his personal struggle with addiction, Brandon, driven by compassion, established ARO as a haven for those facing similar challenges. Recognizing that recovery is more than just abstaining from substances, he envisioned a community fostering support and strength in sobriety. ARO, born out of Brandon's desire to provide a supportive outlet, prioritizes the well-being of individuals on their journey to rediscover themselves and build a better life.

  • Ben Croxton


    Ben began his journey with ARO as a member. And being a part of a recovery community changed everything for him. After 20+ years in active addiction, being able to get out and enjoy life without drugs and being able to help connect with other people in recovery is what keeps him moving forward in mine. As a business owner, he has turned his life into positivity and focuses on spreading that positivity wherever he goes.

  • Katie Henderson


    Katie stands as a living testament to the profound influence of sobriety and the transformative power of a nurturing community. A firm believer in the potential for positive change, she sees ARO as a platform to generously share her personal journey of recovery. For Katie, the groups "Let’s Go Do Sh!t" and "Active Recovery Outreach" have been pivotal, playing a monumental role in fostering and sustaining her path to sobriety.

  • Dannyelle Elise


    Serving on the board at Active Recovery Outreach (ARO) brings me immense joy. Being part of ARO allows me to support and uplift those on their recovery journey, contributing to a cause that holds deep meaning for me. I'm grateful for the chance to make a positive impact and be a source of encouragement for those who need it.

  • Vic Rogers

    Vic Rogers


    After hitting rock bottom, I had to start over, new everything. Going to meetings wasn't really my thing, but this group is like my meetings and/or a second family. That's why I'm here. Glad to help out wherever I can.

  • Victoria Robinson


    My name is Victoria R. I struggled with substance use disorder for over 20 years before getting sober in November 2021 at the age of 45. The worst part of my addiction led me to isolation, self-hatred and an overwhelming fear not knowing what might go wrong next. In sobriety my biggest challenge has also become my greatest joy. Finding connection was the most uncomfortable and difficult part of my early recovery but once I found it, I realized it is key. Finding a sponsor, following suggestions as I work the steps, and being a part of this and other recovery groups have all been instrumental in my recovery journey. I absolutely could not do this without a tribe of beautiful humans by my side.

  • Chris S.


    Hey, I am Chris S, and I am a recovering heroin addict and alcoholic. Since I have been clean, I have been looking for ways to give back to the recovery community. I have a passion for skateboarding and have been trying to organize events for people in recovery who want to get together and skate, as well as anyone who wants to learn something new. I am super proud to have been asked to be a part of this amazing team! I have met some of the most awesomesauce people and friends thru this who have been valuable to my own recovery.